We are a leading change agency for reuse. 

We’re driving change toward a robust and enduring reuse economy by normalizing reuse, growing and supporting the reuse industry, and ensuring a supportive policy environment.

Reuse Features

Indisposable Live: The Vision & Playbook for Reuse in EPR: Expectations for a Best-in-Class PRO

As packaging EPR programs roll out across the U.S., reuse needs to take center stage. Join us for a thought-provoking livestream diving into Upstream’s newest position paper on what a best-in-class producer responsibility organization (PRO) should deliver to support the transition to reusable packaging systems. February 12th, 9:30-10:30 am ET.

Reuse Economy

Designing a product from the beginning for maximum quality, durability, longevity, material health, and recyclability and getting that product into a system where it can be used over and over again in its original form.

What we do

US & Canada Policy Tracker

All the reuse policies that have passed at the local and state/provincial level, collected in one spot.

Pass Policy

Chart-Reuse Case Studies

Three stories of early adopters of Chart-Reuse, and the data that helped them advance their reuse projects.

Switch to Reuse

The Conscious Cafeteria Report

A national pilot study on reusable foodware for healthier, more sustainable schools

Reuse Research

Join a reuse coalition

There are over 25 reuse coalitions and groups across the US & Canada. Join one in your area, or learn how to bring together your community around reuse initiatives.

Act Locally

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    Contribute to an indisposable future

    small child on a swing
  • Join leaders and entrepreneurs developing policy and infrastructure

    aerial shot of a group of people at a conference

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